Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ramirez kidrobot

Ramirez, one of the artist from kidrobot, has a creation, Hunchback person. He called it 'Hunchy Ramirez. Its not for sale only to see at kidrobot gallery.

Urban art: get ready for Jogja and Surabaya

Urban art, Toimoi Kemang, Jakarta, is OVER since 26th jan '07. Get ready for Surabaya and Jogja, this March. Then Bandung, April, and the grand final at Jakarta , April.

Not only in 707 kemang or annex

I was surprised when i was walking through the EX plaza skywalk, Plaza indonesia with my family, I saw a glass shelf with a tiny poster, DUNNY AZTECA. It was for sale. About 170.000 rupiahs. I was totaly surprised that dunny is not only for sale at 707 kemang or 707 annex citos, it's for sale at EX plaza too. The store is tiny at the skywalk in front of the Dairy Queen ice cream.